Thursday, March 28, 2013


The present perfect is a grammatical combination of the present tense and the perfect aspect, used to express a past event that has present consequences (Wikipedia).
The formula for present perfect is:

On this post, I will make 10 sentences verbal and non verbal of present perfect tense.


1.   (+) I have seen that movie many times.
(-)  I have not seen that movie many times.
(?) Have you seen that movie many times?

2.    (+) Dena has finished his homework.
(-)  Dena has not finished his homework.
(?) Has Dena finished his homework?

3.    (+) They have traveled to Jogjakarta.
(-)  They have not traveled to Jogjakarta.
(?)  Have they traveled to Jogjakarta?

4.    (+) I have met her once before.
(-)  I have not met her once before.
(?)  Have you met her once before?

5.    (+) Riska has written her novel.
(-)  Riska has not written her novel.
(?)  Has Riska written her novel?

6.    (+) Ely has lived in Sukabumi for 10 years.
(-)  Ely has not lived in Sukabumi for 10 years.
(?) Has Ely lived in Sukabumi for 10 years?

7.    (+) Father has visited Bali three times.
(-)  Father has not visited Bali three times.
(?) Has father visited Bali three times?

8.    (+) Father has visited his parent in hospital.
(-)  Father has not visited his parent in hospital.
(?) Has father visited his parent in hospital?

9.    (+) Koko has drunk his milk.
(-)  Koko has not drunk his milk.
(?)  Has Koko drunk his milk?

10.    (+) Mother has cooked some cookies.
(-)  Mother has not cooked some cookies.
(?) Has mother cooked some cookies?


1.    (+) I have been to padang.
(-)  I have not been to Padang.
(?) Have you been to Padang?

2.    (+) The letter has been sent by postman.
(-)  The letter has not been sent by postman.
(?) Has the letter been sent by postman?

3.    (+) Tami has been become a magister of economic.
(-)  Tami has not been become a magister of economic.
(?) Has Tami been become a magister of economic?

4.    (+) A new album has been released by Maroon 5.
(-)  A new album has not been released by Maroon 5.
(?) Has a new album been released by Maroon 5?

5.    (+) There have been many earthquakes in Jepang.
(-)  There have not been many earthquakes in Jepang.

(?) Have there been many earthquakes in Jepang?

6.    (+) I have been abroad two times.
(-)  I have not been abroad two times.
(?) Have you been abroad two times?

7.    (+) Mika have been a teacher for more than ten years.
(-)  Mika have not been a teacher for more than ten years.
(?) Have Mika been a teacher for more than ten years?

8.    (+) The thief has been caught by the policeman.
(-)  The thief has not been caught by the policeman.
(?)  Has the thief been caught by the policeman?

9.    (+) The apartment has been built by contractor.
(-)  The apartment has not been built by contractor.
(?) Has the apartment been built by contractor?

10.    (+) Haris has been become a accountan.
(-)  Haris has not been become a accountan.
(?) Has Haris been become a accountan?

Reference :

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